Photocopies of typed excerpts from a United States Supreme Court case, Petit vs. Minnesota (177 U.S. Reports, p. 164, April 9, 1900) and from a Supreme Court of Minnesota case, State vs. Weiss (105 N.W.?, January 19, 1906), both relating to the observance of Sunday as the day for prohibition of labor, rather than Saturday, as practiced by those of Jewish faith; a list of the names of persons of Jewish faith employed in the Minneapolis public schools (1922); an essay (1938?, 5 pages) entitled "Duluth History" by Harry W. Davis that gives a brief history of the Jewish community of Duluth, Minnesota; and a manuscript (January 1943, 3 pages) by Mrs. H. Y. (Etta Cook) Josephs that gives a history the Isaac Cook family which settled in Duluth in 1887.